Vancouver School Board
York Region District School Board
Peel District School Board
New Frontiers School Board

Project Folio


Literacies - Language Arts


MJ Moran
Diane Potts


Sir Matthew Begbie Elementary





Last Modified

April 29, 2007


Novel studies, Buddy Reading, Current does one set parameters to talk about and teach Literacies in Language Arts? Here are two novel studies and two terms of Buddy Reading from my continuously developing perspectives on Literacies in Language Arts as a grade 6/7 teacher.


Term One - Literature Circles

Classrooms are places of literacies learning. Literacy learning occurs in multiple ways. Each teacher approaches the beginning of a school year individually, creating what she feels are possible places of literacies learning for the students she has the opportunity to work with this year. As an elementary teacher I am responsible for...
Read more:   The Why of...  | Learning the How...  | Where Literature...  | Reflections -...  | Completed Projects


We start Buddies almost the first day of school.  It is helpful for the Kindergartens to have Grade sixes and sevens ease them into being one of a twenty-something group.  It is helpful for the Grade sixes and sevens to have the opportunity to work with the younger students, the opportunity to be a leader, to be a teacher, to be a...
Read more:   Term One: Getting...  | Term Two:...

Term Two - Talking, Drawing, Writing

In first term I chose a novel study format that apprenticed the students into a discourse that enabled them to discuss their engagement with the characters, the author and the plotline in a group.    I chose to read a very 'easy' novel that 'hooked' everyone - from book lovers to highly...
Read more:   The Why and How...  | The Process  | Preparation for...  | Presenting and...

Buddy Links

These are the Links to our buddies salmon books.  
Read more:   Links to their...


Harris - Reflections

Upon completion of the novel I make time to find out what the students thought of the process. This is the first time through a reflection for new students in my class so I ensure there is time to explain that I use their reflections to improve...
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Zack Part 1Chpt 5

The second term novel study follows another approach - read, talk, draw, talk, write, repeat.
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Zack Part 1 Chpt 7

The second term novel study follows another approach - read, talk, draw, talk, write, repeat.
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Zack Part 1 Chpt 9

The second term novel study follows another approach - read, talk, draw, talk, write, repeat.
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Zack Part 1 Chpt 11

The second term novel study follows another approach - read, talk, draw, talk, write, repeat.
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Literature Circles - Passage Picker

This activity has the students attending to short bits of prose. Finding which bits they are attracted to and describing why the bits are of interest to them.
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Literature Circle - Illustrator

This activity requires the student to recreate an image they had while reading the novel and explain why this image is their choice.
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Literature Circles - Predictor

In this activity the students are asked to think like the author, to pull salient ideas from what has already happened in the plotline and develop a plausible continuation.
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Literature Circles - Summarizer

This activity gives the students a format to use to create a summary. As they read through the chapter the key ideas are jotted down in their words and point form. First orally, and then in text the point form ideas are woven together to create...
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Literature Circles - Connector

This activity requires the student to relate events, feelings, situations in the story to events, feelings and situations in their lives. It requires them to specifically describe what happened in the story, what happened in their life and what...
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