Vancouver School Board
York Region District School Board
Peel District School Board
New Frontiers School Board

Project Folio


My Accounts - How Have I Changed?


MJ Moran


Sir Matthew Begbie Elementary





Last Modified

April 28, 2007


I wrote these accounts with the intention that they might begin to represent the wide variety of rich learning opportunities that are part of my everyday life in my classroom for my students and for myself. They have in turn offered access and representation to me.


In My School

From what I can tell I have always seen myself in my students, and my students in myself - but what I have noticed over the past eight months (participating in Alternate Accountability Project) in particular, and three years (participating in the Mulitiliteracies Project) in general, is how much more I get the more I trust them and the...
Read more:   With My Students  | With Other Adults

As a Professional

Being a research subject in the Alternative Accountability Project has contributed to my personal professional development in several relevant and meaningful ways:For these reasons and many more I feel confident in saying that being able to participate in this research has helped me to develop professionally in many...
Read more:   Personal...


First Language/Community Research (Division 16 2005/2006)

This gallery is scans of the print copy of the research Division 16 (Grade 6/7) completed together in February/March 2006. The writing in the report is student writing, I as the teacher wrote one paragraph. This was their research, Diane and I...
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The Mural

The mural was a collaborative year end project in my grade 6/7 class 2003/2004. It was scaffolded by many lead up activities and was my first attempt at such a large collaborative project.
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The Scrolls

The scrolls were a collaborative yet individual project in my grade 6/7 class 2004/2005. They were scaffolded by several lead up activities collaboratively planned by myself, the classroom teacher, and April Lui, an artist and Graduate student...
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