Featured Project |
Educating Heart and Mind
Admiral Seymour Elementary | Vancouver School Board
I believe I have a responsibility to not only educate the minds, but also the hearts of my students. I want my students to look at knowledge in a connected and ethical way. This involves higher level thinking skills and a greater degree of personal self-understanding on an intellectual and emotional level than simply memorizing facts in various subject areas. This project takes a closer look at how I encourage students to attain greater self-understanding through providing opportunities for the students to consider who they are, and the types of lives the students would like to lead. This project also explores the ways in which I have encouraged students to connect knowledge to action in service to differing levels of community.
Gallery: Woody Debris Clean up - Purfleet Estuary

Images of the students and members of the NWPS cleaning up the woody debris from a portion of land at Purfleet Pt. on Annacis Island. The woody debris ranged from small pieces to logs. The clean up was done to encourage return of plant and animal life to various spots covered in woody debris at the estuary.
Demonstration: Social Responsibility
The term social responsibility has many interpretations depending upon the perspective of the person or group of people that are considering the concept. In my view, social responsibility related education involves educating students to become more self-aware of personal identity and how that sense of personal identity currently connects to differing communities in responsible and...
What is The Multiliteracy Project? |
The Multiliteracy Project is a national Canadian study exploring pedagogies or teaching practices that prepare children for the literacy challenges of our globalized, networked, culturally diverse world. Increasingly, we encounter knowledge in multiple forms - in print, in images, in video, in combinations of forms in digital contexts - and are asked to represent our knowledge in an equally complex manner. Further, there is international recognition that Canada's linguistic and cultural diversity are a source of its strength, and a key contributor of Canada's social and economic well-being. The challenge is to assist our schools in helping students to achieve a more diverse folio of literacies.
The term multiliteracies was coined by the New London Group (1996) to highlight two related aspects of the increasing complexity of texts: (a) the proliferation of multimodal ways of making meaning where the written word is increasingly part and parcel of visual, audio, and spatial patterns; (b) the increasing salience of cultural and linguistic diversity characterized by local diversity and global connectedness .