This term we learned a lot in literacies, and we also had fun at the same time. This term, we acted like Shakespearean actors and we learned a lot about the way they used language to communitcate. If you want to learn more about what we did for Shakespeare, click ----->Shakespeare
In current events (CE) we had to read an article about world events and then we had to answer questions related to the article. This helped because to answer the questions we have to read the article and be able to understand what it's saying about current situations in the world. If you want to learn more about what we did for CE, click ----->CE
Reading reflections are when we read a book for twenty minutes and then we think about what we read and write or draw what came into our heads while we read. This helps us improve our thinking. If you want to learn more about what we did for reading reflections, click ----->Reading Reflections