While in library class with Ms. Milne(our librarian) we read a book that was a poem about a man's life who was crushed when he fell off a second floor balcony and injured his neck down. He started to paint with his mouth and donates his paintings that he made by mouth and started to help people that had gone through similar situations. Some of his paintings are featured in a book called "If Sarah Will Take Me". It is a long poem that was written by Dave Bouchard that told of how much Robb wanted his old life back before his accident. We have tried to use our mouths to draw with markers and figured out it was much harder than we thought. Later, we attempted to try to recreate his made with his mouth and the paintings and they are displayed outside our classroom. We learned how important our hands are and we should value the time we have and the things we have gotten.

After a few weeks, Ms. Milne decided to send an E-mail to Robb Dunfield saying the things we have done to recreate the painting and sent him pictures of our paintings and artist statements. After a few days, he actually responded saying how much he appreciated our work and he said that he would love tot visit our school someday. 

Links to:                                                

Gallery of Artist Statements             

Presentation of Our Paintings          


This is the cover of the book 'If Sarah Will Take Me' written by Dave Bouchard and illustrated by Robb Dunfield:

By: Julia, Jason and Helen