In this project I wanted to bring the school together around reading. All students and staff identified a favourite book to share with the community. Each person was photographed to create a life size image of their face, then created a book image and a body that appears to be holding the book. The book image included a created visual image of the book, and text which included a hook to entice people to the book, a personal response, and the reader's biography.
Engaging in the project was really fun! I was able to connect with all of the classrooms in such a positive and personal way. Discussing books brings freedom to let people know a little about you and discussing books is a way to share a part of yourself. The result was that everyone in the building was getting to do this. Interestingly, for a school, there was no resistance to the extra work involved in scheduling and teachers having homework. For those who didn't have a chance to talk with others, the visuals and text provided a little insight into others and allowed people to get to know each other a little better.
Students were talking to each other about books and recommending books - which is much more powerful that teacher recommendations. More images of this project can be found in the My Favourite Book images.