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At the end of eight months of writing accounts, for myself and the students, I sat with some of them and talked about what it was like for them to be in the class. 

This clip is some of what Sacha thought about being in Division 15 in grade seven this year.  He was also in my class last year in grade six. 

School for Sacha has not always been 'easy', but this year has been an exceptionally good one for him and I began by asking him why he thought that might be so.

Sacha talks about 'having a better understanding of what I want' because he has been in the class for two years.  I prefer to have students for two years for that purpose, so I can get to understand them and they can get to understand me, and so they can be mentored and then mentor others.

Sacha did not enjoy being pulled out for help so I asked him what worked better for him.  He said he enjoyed being able to talk with his peers to learn.  In the clip Sacha mentions several reasons why talking with his peers helps him, he says, they '...work with us, sharing their knowledge...'

By sharing knowledge Sacha has done better, that makes him 'happy'.  He knows only he can do better, even when others share their knowledge he has to do something with it for himself.  On this point both Candice and Andrew nod in agreement.

Sacha also talks about how being in Division 15 is, '...like school, but better than school...', to which his peers chuckle, as they often do when with Sacha because of his wonderful sense of humour.  But, when (with my help) he comes to who is in control and who feels like they have control I recognize the look of understanding on Candice's face.  Sacha has taken both Candice and Andrew to deeper understanding in this clip.

Sacha understands that by making wise choices to accomplish what he needs to accomplish he moves forward, others in the class are also making choices - different choices, because they have different needs.  But, when everyone makes their own appropriate choices, '...we get everything done.'

Sacha sees similar things in this class that I see - conversation leading to knowledge sharing and building, acknowledgement of difference leading to better understanding and how, '...it is like school, but better than school...' for him and me too! 

Many times I wonder what comes first my understanding, or theirs. 

I often feel that they teach me much more then I teach them.

Sacha has taught me LOADS.


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