Throughout the term each time a student shares their representation of their understanding with me orally, in written form, visually, dramatically they know if or when their understanding is being assessed for grades. When representations are graded there are few surprises as they have been proceeded by lengthy discussions about what is require and about what is being graded. These discussions occur individually, in small groups and in the large group, between teacher and student and between students.
Grades measure part of the learning that occurs in my class and they are discussed in that manner, directly and openly. The learning that occurs in my class is broader and deeper and wider and richer than any letter grade could measure. I think that most members of the class understand this and place letter grades in that perspective.
Most everyone wants 'straight A's'; not everyone can achieve them. Because the students spend time sharing and discussing and adding to each other's knowledge they develop broader understandings of each other's strengths and weaknesses. They recognize different quality work, and since they are regularly exposed to each other's work they understand where their work sits in regard to letter grades.
I am an elementary school teacher, I teach students Literacies, Math, Social Studies, Science, French, PE, Fine Arts and Personal Planning. My prime directive is to help the students achieve the best grade they can achieve in every subject. I teach with that in mind. I also believe that a student will perform their best when they feel they are a valued member of the group. There is no grade on report cards for being a valued member of a group. By first modelling that I value each of the students in the class and the knowledge that they bring to the group and then teaching and scaffolding this way of being for all of the students in the class I feel I help students to find ways to work towards their best, individually and in a group.
So yes, there are letter grades distributed for each student in seven subject areas three times a year. They are integral to the manner in which the school system operates and the way I teach. In my class they are considered in context with the many valuable attributes each of the members of the class bring to our learning community.