This demonstration is linked to all of my projects and galleries on the website. I have galleries on presenting and looking at the work and reading the book in the classroom. I also have a presentation on me creating my project. These galleries and presentations are about a book that we read in class. The book's name is Zack. This book to me is about a teenager named Zack and he is curious about his family and his heritage and the history of the africans who were brought here as slaves. He is also battling the racism and prejedice of the people he encounters through out the book. And just to add more conflict to his life he is trying to find out about his grandfather on his mother's side and why they are so distant from eachother only to find out that more racism is envolved.


Here are some photos of the class while working and reading








These are my links to the galleries and presentations that i worked on i hope u enjoy the pictures

Gallery1: Reading the book  Us reading in class

Gallery2: Presenting the projects A view on presenting

Presentation: Creating the project Creation of Zack