Please go to Literacies Language Arts, and view Demonstration - Term two Talking, Drawing, and Writing before viewing this Demo.

These are all the links showing our projects

From exerting so much work and effort, the Zack projects have been completed and each of the individual projects have been specially made by each and every student's own point of view of the book. The class has been reading the book Zack for about two months. You may ask why we took such a long time. Well, only one chapter was read everyday, to try to epiphyses the life of one chapter and study everything we thought about in a single chapter. By studying one chapter we drew and made writing about the passages we read. Each passage had different ideas of what students thought. Some students foreshadowed what will happen next, some wrote what happened, and some wrote and drew what came in their head when they started reading that passage. All their ideas in the passage came to their projects of the final conclusion of what was in their head after they finish the book. Each individual had different ideas and each idea was unique in their own way followed by the owner. At the end we all had projects to present to each other and clapping our hands to each projects leaving our differences aside and focusing on viewing and presenting our projects. We all hope you enjoy our class projects.
