What We had Done on Zack

Zack is the name of the novel that we had studied in the second term. This book was written by William Bell in the year of 1998. The author of this book also wrote the popular book named, Forbidden City.

This book was named after the main character of the book, Zack Lane, a teenager who hates his life. While reading the book, Zack found an incredible discovery from a black slave known as Pawpine. What was left from the slave was just a gold shot from a shotgun and the neck iron that slaves used to wear. This was used in Zack's "salvaged" history project which ended up as a B. Amazing for something that was salvaged. After the history project, Zack decided to sell Pawpine's gold so that he could travel to Natchez and find out who his grandfather really is. In the end, he wondered if his trip was really worth it. In my opinion, it was, because Zack's mother never spoke about her father and now Zack knows why. His grandfather hates white people and his mother married one. As time went by, the wounds in the family tree began to heal and the family was beginning to become one again.

The picture to the left is me working on my Zack powerpoint presentation as part of my project.





This picture shows Jason Liang presenting his project to me and Vincent.




There are many more projects that were presented and were very well done, but the important point I would like to include about them all are the fact that they use are modes. The major modes that we studied are lingustic, visual, aural, jestural, and spacial. At least one of these modes were used in each and every project. My project included visual and aural modes. The project which I had done consited of a powerpoint presentation and a poster.


This is my poster. Although it looks quite bare by itself, my powerpoint presentation backed up some of my information. The poster was just an introduction to what I have done and about the book.



If there is a sequel to the book, I would probably expect that a lot of family problems get solved, such as Zack's mother getting back together with her father again after many years. I might also expect that Zack will grow up and perhaps propose that his girlfriend Jen would marry him. Although I find that it sounds a bit like a fairy tale styled ending, I could probably expect something good to turn out. I really hope that William Bell has another book for me to read!

From reading the book, I can conclude that racism was a major issue in the past. The book had shown so much about how people can either love or hate. Many emotions were expressed when the book was being read. It was quite devastating to actually know what people had done in the past, but, I would think that the book trying to move away from the past and live in the present.


This is one of the articles that I had used in my poster. I personally find that it is easier to have small topics spread out into groups.




If you would like to see the images in a larger size, please click on the blue link below.

Ryan's Zack Presentation

If you would like to see my powerpoint presentation, please clikc on the blue link below and click "open."

Ryan's Zack Powerpoint