Go to:   Zack...  |  Zack Project-...  |  Part One- -...  |  Part One - -...  |  My Reflection<3   

My current school project will be about a novel by William Bell called Zack. This book is about a teenage African-Canadian who follows his African roots back to find the secret that his family had been hiding from him for so many years. Each chapter will be summarized so that people who haven't yet read the book will be able to participate as well. In every entry, there will be five summarized chapters, and if you have any feedback or any ideas about those chapters. Some of the words in the summaries may be blue symbolizing that it has a hyperlink attached to it, the hyperlinks will include extras that I hope will help you understand the text a bit more, or may include some background information.

Go to:   Zack...  |  Zack Project-...  |  Part One- -...  |  Part One - -...  |  My Reflection<3