Having discussed theorizing and knowledge acquisition over time, looked at both our universe and galaxy, triangulated to indirectly measure large distances, categorized and measured distances between us and stars and written cover letters and CVs to possibly travel to them we move to the naming of and following of constellations.
To begin we needed to know how stars and constellations are located in the night sky. One manner in which this occurs it through measuring the angle of the star from the horizon or measuring angles between stars. In preparation for this we practised measuring these angles with astrolabs and our hands.
Measuring Angles with Astrolabs and Our Hands
Building on what we know and connecting it to further topics we moved to looking at constellations. We discussed the arbitrary nature of the naming of constellations and the relationship between the constellations and movement of the earth. We made our own star maps, and modeled the earth's movement.
Modelling the Movement of the Earth
The more the students get up and get involved the more the students embody the learning. Each of the activities we do take time, but they also solidify understanding and create opportunity for discussion. Discussion is where concepts are built and vocabulary practiced. Comfort with conversation makes comfort with written language easier. Different levels of understanding are reached with listening, speaking and writing. Trying to reach these different levels of understanding in all subject areas and connecting them back on each other is what makes sense for me as it is where I see the most success for the students.