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Harris & Me-Chapter 6-Project

?Wherein I learn some more physics, involving parabolic trajectories, and see the worth of literature.?



In the beginning of the chapter, Me shows Harris his Tarzan comic books. When Me and Harris were sitting outside, by the granary, Harris wonders if he could get around without touching the ground, because he thinks that Tarzan doesn?t. Meanwhile, Me is worrying because he hasn?t seen Ernie for over fifteen minutes. Harris goes and gets an old, moldy rope, and gets Me to help him tie it to a tree limb between the granary and the barn. Harris tells Me that he plans to swing from the granary roof to the inside of the barn where he can land in the straw. Then, Harris goes into the granary and climbs out the window onto the granary roof. Me throws the rope to Harris, while he stands by the tree. Harris starts to swing when Me is attacked by Ernie. Ernie attaches himself to Me and Harris swings into them. With added force (the original swing was a little to the left) Ernie, Harris, and Me all swing over the pigpen when the rope breaks. All three of them land inside the pigpen and Harris, who is still pretending to be Tarzan, straddles a pig and rides it like a triceratops.



?In retrospect there was no point that fell apart but many smaller disasters that fed the big one.? Pg 63 Para 3.

I chose this word because I didn?t know what it meant, and it was interesting because I thought that the word ?retro? meant something old.



?I hadn't?always worth interest.? Pg 64 Para 3

What happened: Me sees a glint in Harris? eye, where a corner of Harris? right eye goes up, and Me thinks that it?s gremlin-like. Me found out before that, that when that happens, it means Harris has an ides, and it usually means trouble.



"We just tie? Look, see there?" Pg. 65 Para 7.5

In this passage, Harris explains his idea, and where to tie the rope to Me.

When I was little, my mom used to take my sister and I to Camp Sasamat, where there was a rope park, and there was April favorite rope, was the one where she could swing on the one that she could swing like a monkey on.

The connection is the both April and Harris like to swing on ropes.


The Reason Why Things are Missing

Did you notice that the predictor job and the illustrator job are missing? That?s because the model that I made, symbolizes the illustrator, and I can't predict because I already read the next chapters, and that will just be a huge spoiler.



Why I Chose This Chapter

The reason I chose this chapter is because I thought that it was pretty confusing how the author said it, so I thought it might help if I made a model of it. Also, chapter 6 had a lot of details, so I thought it might be easy to make a model of it.

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