The manner in which the class develops through the circles, the discussions, the project work, the personal reflection helps to ensure a feeling of success for everyone. Success for everyone comes from hours of work: scaffolding, planning, modelling, instructing. The presentations are ALL successful because I help them to find ways that they can show their understanding and also ways that they can support each other. My instructional discourse is beginning to come from their mouths. They prompt for clearer answers, more detail in supporting statements, positive turns of phrase. Their are taking on the roll of 'able other' and they are beginning to see the power of 'the group'. I can 'feel' it in the class, the way they interact with each other, the way they interact with me. I can read it in their final reflections on this novel process.
Harris - Final Reflections on Process
Their words are powerful. Here are two short excerps, of many possible excerps, picked from the Final Reflections on Process, (scans of their reflections). The power of their words for me is in the depth and breadth of understanding of what they have learned individually and of what it is to be a valued member of a group.
"I learned that you yourself have to raise up questions for other people to add on to them and I have to ask them questions if I have any questions. I learned that you have to know exactly what you are going to say when you speak because you can't think until you're done. I learnt that other people can give advice if you ask them for it. They won't come forward with it themselves unless you ask." (Holly)
In the first sentence Holly acknowledges that she has a responsibility to question as part of a group. As a group member she has a responsibility to the group to participate in the conversation. She also has a responsibility to herself to ensure she expresses her lack of understanding, through stating her questions, so the group can help her to understand better. In the second sentence Holly lays claim to knowing that she needs to know what she is going to say before she says it, so when she shares with her group she has a responsibility to be ready to share. She needs to 'know' what she is going to say, because she will not be able to 'think' again until she stops talking. And finally in the third sentence Holly states that members of her group are people who she can and is expected to turn to for 'advice', but that they will not always come forward with the advice unless asked for it. She accepts the responsibility for 'asking' for advice and also the fact that the members of the group are valued in that they 'can give' it if asked.
"I felt a little shy talking about my work to start because I don't usually share my work. My feelings changed as we went through the novel because I was more confident with my work and I have more understanding of the jobs and the story. It felt a little weird to listen to other people share their work because I don't know what to expect from their work, I don't usually listen to other people talk about their work. Now it seems normal to listen to people talk about their work and now I listen more when people talk about their work." (Michelle)
Michelle acknowledges she is shy, acknowledges one possible reason for her shyness and sees development in her ability to gain control of her shyness through the activities of the novel study. Michelle is exhibiting self reflection leading to postive action which improved her learning situation. She continues to extend her self refective gaze to the work of others. In her third and fourth sentences she states how she felt 'weird' listening to others at first, but now that it is 'normal to listen to people talk about their work'. Now that it is 'normal' she can listen and participate better both as a listener and a speaker in a group situation.
They are beginning to understand. I read it in every one of the reflections and from these reflections I develop ways to scaffold their individual learning and their ability to participate in productive groups. I create the next set of table groups from the knowledge I gain from reading the reflections and I continue to listen and watch as they continue to develop as a community. The scaffolding and connecting and deveolping requires constant care and attention.